Malhia Kent, une ruche où les abeilles fabriquent du tissu.





Il est pile 14h30 lorsque je me retrouve devant un lieu mythique, le showroom de Malhia Kent, une des plus célèbres maisons de tissus au monde.
J’ai rendez-vous avec Eve Corrigan, la directrice artistique et la reine de la maison.
Je vous avoue que j’ai le trac, je reste immobile quelques instants devant la façade 1860, la célèbre villa Labrouste, qui cache encore pour quelques secondes ses secrets.
Je n’ai pas le temps de me faire submerger par le trac que déjà la porte s’ouvre…
Le secret de l’immeuble s’ouvre à moi : je ne suis pas dans un show room, mais dans une ruche… Une véritable ruche aux mille couleurs où une dizaine de jeunes filles, à la manière des abeilles, travaillent sans arrêt sur la nouvelle collection, pour l’hiver 2019. Celui qui travaille dans la mode le sait… on est un an et demi dans le futur, dans deux mois Malhia Kent attaquera la recherche pour l’été 2020.
J’ai la chance de pouvoir faire quelques photos sur les dernières recherches et études des tissages.
Je laisse mon corps absorber la couleur : des tissus rangés au fond de la véranda vitrée créent un véritable arc-en-ciel, éclairé par le soleil. Des centaines des tissus, des jacquards, des tweeds, véritables bijoux et fierté de la maison sont catalogués et stockés, prêts à être envoyés aux clients.
Et puis, des bobines de fil de toutes les couleurs sont rangées tout autour de l’atelier de création.
Je suis aux anges et pour cause…

On respire ici un air que je connais bien : c’est l’atmosphère créative des ateliers, le monde que j’ai côtoyé chez les maisons de costume telles que Farani ou Tirelli en Italie et à Paris chez Danièle Boutard et ses mythiques ateliers du costume. Un monde familier donc et tout d’un coup je me sens beaucoup plus à l’aise. Ici aussi c’est un grand spectacle.
Malhia Kent est une entreprise historique, créée en 1987 par Michèle Sorano.
Kent était le nom de son mari et Malhia est la transformation du mot italien “maglia” (maille). Il est devenu le pseudonyme de Michèle Sorano et le nom de sa marque.
Cette entrepreneuse, à la vie un peu mystérieuse, était étudiante en droit et passionnée par le tissu.
Eve Corrigan raconte: “Elle vivait dans une chambre de bonne et avait acheté un métier à main. Un jour, elle décida de franchir le pas et proposa à Coco Chanel en personne ses créations. Elle se présenta à l’atelier de la célèbre couturière de la rue Cambon et demanda avec insistance à lui parler. À ce moment-là, Chanel descendit du fameux escalier, trouva la jeune femme très charmante et décida de la rencontrer. Michèle Sorano lui présenta ses créations qui plurent beaucoup à Chanel. Elle lui commanda 50 mètres de chaque échantillon, une quantité que Michèle ne pouvait pas satisfaire. Mais elle ne se découragea point: elle fit en sorte de faire fabriquer les tissus chez des tisserands, et la collaboration commença. En 1987 Michèle Sorano créa sa propre marque Malhia Kent, mais dix ans plus tard elle tomba malade et l’entreprise ne marchait plus comme avant. C’est à ce moment-là que je suis arrivée. Michèle était très attachée à cette maison et ne voulait pas la voir mourir. La première chose que j’ai faite c’était miser sur la créativité et J’ai mis le tissu en beauté. ”

Le show-room est en pleine création artistique: 15 stylistes travaillent sans lever les yeux sur leurs dessins et leurs métiers à main pour proposer à des grandes maisons de luxe des tissus uniques, aux coloris inédits et audacieux. J’ai le plaisir d’être une des premières à pouvoir regarder la nouvelle collection… Ça restera dans mes yeux, car bien entendu les secrets de la création sont jalousement conservés.
Ces derniers sont utilisés exclusivement pour la création. Les tissus seront ensuite, après validation d’Eve, envoyés à la production industrielle.

Ici, il ne s’agit pas que de créer: tout, absolument tout, est organisé, structuré et numérisé. Madame Corrigan, au moment de reprendre l’activité en 1997, a compris que pour être compétitifs au niveau international, il fallait être “INNOVANTS ET EFFICACES”, tout en faisant de la créativité et du savoir-faire les points forts.
Mais qui est la femme Eve Corrigan?
Je regarde autour de moi à la recherche d’indices. Son bureau est un tout petit espace ultra-moderne, bien organisé, où tout est à portée d’œil: trois mégas-écrans d’ordinateurs allumés où elle gère en temps réel le stock, les commandes, la partie créative. Les murs sont aussi de la partie créative: échantillons de tissus, moodboard avec les tendances modes, post-it… Bref, c’est comme regarder dans sa tête: l’hémisphère droit la rationalité, l’hémisphère gauche la créativité et les sentiments… Un équilibre parfait.
Je regarde un peu plus haut, vers le plafond où campe une flèche rose fluo avec cette phrase:
“She’s not crazy, she’s creative”
J’ai ma réponse avant qu’elle puisse parler.
“Je suis quelqu’un de curieux, je l’ai toujours été. J’ai commencé cette aventure il y a vingt ans, avant j’avais des boutiques et j’étais mannequin. Puis j’ai décidé d’arrêter et j’ai passé un bon bout de temps à m’amuser et profiter de la vie, mais après six mois l’ennui m’a pris; Je suis quelqu’un qui a constamment besoin de se nourrir, de construire, et le monde de l’informatique me fascinait. Je suis devenue ingénieur informatique. À cette époque je ne savais pas combien ce diplôme allait me rendre service. J’ai commencé à cataloguer mes courses, mes fournitures à la maison, ensuite à créer un véritable database. Ma mère croyait que j’étais devenue folle, mais moi j’avais une intuition, qui s’est révélée à moi le jour que j’ai acheté Malhia Kent”.
“J’ai vite compris que pour développer l’entreprise, toute concurrence avec le marché industriel chinois n’était pas envisageable si on ne se consacrait qu’à la production en grande quantité. De plus, au début on était une toute petite maison qui, oui, avait son prestige, mais qui ne pouvait pas concurrencer avec le marché international. J’ai décidé que notre point fort allait être la créativité. Mais il me fallait structurer derrière: j’ai donc créé un database avec notre stock et acheté un hangar où stocker notre production de fils (Malhia Kent produit et teint ses fils en plus de faire appel à des fabricants). Aujourd’hui notre stock est de 18000 types des fils différents avec une grande variété de couleurs. ”
“Après la première collection, qui a eu un grand succès, on a lancé la production industrielle pour satisfaire une nouvelle clientèle séduite par notre réactivité et créativité. Par la suite je suis aussi devenue ingénieur textile, une compétence absolument indispensable quand on veut tester des nouvelles fibres ou matières avec des tissages inédits. On est dans la recherche, toujours.”
Les résultats sont évidents: depuis 20 ans l’entreprise est en croissance, en 2015 Malhia Kent gagne plusieurs prix internationaux dédiés à l’entreprenariat, et à l’entreprenariat féminin aussi.
Quels sont les loisirs d’une reine des abeilles comme vous?
“En effet le week-end je sors, je fais les boutiques, les expositions, les musées, car j’ai besoin de nourrir mon esprit et remplir mes yeux pour m’ouvrir à la créativité.
“Mes loisirs c’est encore Malhia Kent, car j’aime ce que je fais. Le lundi, je retrouve mes collaborateurs, on discute sur ce qui nous a inspirés et, comme par magie, on a les mêmes intuitions. On a développé cette sensibilité d’être toujours en avance, dans le futur. Mes stylistes et moi on va dans la même direction et ça, c’est très gratifiant”.
Mais alors la grande question:
Qui décide les Nouvelles tendances? Vous ou les bureaux de style?
“Disons que c’est plutôt eux qui viennent vers nous, pour voir les couleurs, notre collection et pour créer ensuite leurs cahiers de tendances. Les tendances sont une vague, un courant où tout le monde artistique se retrouve”.

“Les abeilles Malhia Kent” sont dans la quasi-totalité des femmes.
Pourquoi? “Dans mon entreprise, il faut être multitâche. Je n’ai pas de problème à embaucher un homme plutôt qu’une femme, l’important pour moi c’est que la personne ait cette qualité. Or, il s’avère que la mode et le textile sont des univers plutôt féminins, il faut que l’homme puisse se sentir bien et épanoui dans un milieu de femmes. Mes collaborateurs sont des femmes non pas par mon choix, mais car elles se révèlent plus naturellement multitâches. Je recrute difficilement des gens qui ont travaillé dans des grandes entreprises car, dans ces dernières, on a la responsabilité d’une seule et unique tâche. Pour moi c’est une limite. J’aime que mes collaborateurs puissent évoluer, mettre en action leur cerveau, l’entraîner comme s’ils l’emmenaient en salle de sport! (rires). Je veux qu’ils puissent s’épanouir dans plusieurs tâches différentes. Ils doivent être mes yeux, mes oreilles, là où je ne peux pas être.”
“Creativity is intelligence having fun”
A. Einstein

En effet, cette femme dont je suis admirative est elle-même multitâche, et c’est nécessaire pour être chef d’entreprise d’une maison qui se porte fort bien. Avoir des connaissances en finance, en gestion du personnel, être créative, avoir une vision à court et long terme, gérer le côté commercial et informatique… Normal que pour une femme à 100% dans son activité il est indispensable de s’entourer de collaborateurs qui partagent cette même vision de l’entreprise.

Et puis, la curiosité, la confiance et la bonne humeur… Eve Corrigan est aussi une femme solaire, souriante. Une vraie reine entourée des ses 50 abeilles, travailleuses, créatives et toutes heureuses de travailler pour elle. Je n’en ai pas vu une seule faire la tête ou frustrée, mais bien au contraire, heureuse de travailler pour elle, malgré les rythmes imposés par la mode… Et qui demandent des nouveautés, et vite!
Voilà de quoi se nourrit une femme comme elle:
D’art, de créativité et… Elle adore le risotto aux truffes!


  • Capeline5672278
    Posted 20 août, 2021 3:13 0Likes

    It wakes me up a little, but not much, and I get up to take a shower. I grab a towel and open my door, walking down the hall to the bathroom and stop dead in my tracks.I forgot about Curtis, who is now sprawled out on the couch in his boxers, his pale chest bare for my eyes. He’s snoring softly, and I smile softly before going into the bathroom and softly closing the door.As I turn on the shower, I undress myself, looking in the mirror. I suddenly remember all of what happened last night, and a small gasp escapes my lips. I saw him…and he saw me! A blush covers my body, and I quickly…

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    It was a standard bathroom; cozy fluffy matt, blue and green tiles, a large combined shower and bath taking up the back wall next to a sizeable window. Next to the toilet were a sink and cabinet with products and soap laid around the taps.After I had peed, I wiped myself and noticed my pussy still swollen with arousal and just a little tender form its finger fuck. I flushed the toilet and stood in front of a large mirror over the sink and looked at myself. My face was flushed and I had a big grin pasted across my face. My eyeliner, although a little smudged still made me look sexy as hell…

  • Overseer3804736
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    Missed calls from their parents, other family members, and even their friends. They ignored all of them though, and even turned their phones off in case of being tracked. Maxynn was feeling bad, her dad already lost their mom and now he was losing her too. But, if they couldn’t accept her love for Holden, they couldn’t stay there any longer. Holden began thinking of what Maxynn had said during their argument with their parents. “Maxynn?” He began. “Did you really mean what you said to your dad? About loving me and all?” She looked nervous and said, “Holden, I do. I do love you. I love you…

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    ”“Yes, Mistress,” Greg replied, embarrassed at calling his wife ”Mistress” in front of his mother.However, balancing his embarrassment against the punishment he knew he would receive, he complied immediately.“Greggie,” Katy continued, “remove your clothing.Aren’t you supposed to be naked in the house?Don’t be embarrassed, your mother has seen you naked before.”When he hesitated, Katy continued, “If you hesitate I’ll have to punish you.Do it and I’ll reward you before Mother leaves.Take off your clothing, NOW!”Greg was terrified; he hated being shocked, and the shocks in his balls…

  • Brentlex
    Posted 20 août, 2021 7:30 0Likes
  • ShivaSid7105238
    Posted 20 août, 2021 7:32 0Likes

    She would blow him and he would tell her things about what is going to happen.”“Did he make the slave swallow his cum?” a new voice asked. “This slave always had to swallow when she sucked off a master and it made her feel sick inside.”“Men always make slave girls swallow.”Sara was mystified. She knew the words that they were using – cut, blow, suck, come, swallow – but she could not fathom their meaning in this context. For a moment, she pondered adding her voice to the discussion, but she was embarrassed to reveal her ignorance.“This slave heard that it will hurt bad when she…–Call-Name-Sara–Part-1-06-25

  • RogerMom
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  • Sheld5751648
    Posted 20 août, 2021 9:28 0Likes

    After about 45 minutes Luke told me to go and see if the jet-ski people were there, that he wasn’t thinking of having another go on one, it was just an excuse for me to walk passed all the clothed people. I smiled and got to my feet.And wow, were there a lot of clothed people, most of them crammed into one area like sardines in a tin. I didn’t know how anyone could restrict themselves like that.I got quite a few people looking at me. I imagined that the men were looking with lust in their mind, and the women with either disgust or jealousy. I almost wanted to go up to the women with…

  • KaboomView5838493
    Posted 20 août, 2021 10:32 0Likes

    In an attempt to speed things up, Robert suggested, “You should do this on stage. Imagine all the people you could educate with one performance.”The thought of performing this act on stage with an audience turned Marie on greatly, something Robert had worked out previously. However, breathlessly, she said “Dougie would never allow it. I’m really going to have to talk to Aimée next time I see her.” Dougie was Douglas Dawson the current Lord Chamberlain, whose job it was to censor stage productions, Aimée was his wife. The suggestion did seem to have an effect though, “In the case of a…

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    i heard him get out of the shower and dry off. Then i heard him unwrapping the complimentary plastic cups and filling them with water. i knew he would want me to drink the water and my bladder was already bursting. He came back and laid down on the bed next to me. “Keep ’em shut,” he said, as if he sensed i was tempted to open my eyes. I felt his fingers flicking over my nipples, first one then the other. Then his tongue. Oh how maddening that was! He flicked his tongue so lightly, but so quickly over the ends that were sticking out between the nipple clamps. This made the clamps bounce…

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    How did someone like him see me? No matter where I went that night there he was, staring into my eyes, I could just feel his eyes on me burning a hole through me was perhaps a better word. I went to the ladies room and looked into the mirror, my hair was perfect, my make up was perfect and my little black dress was immaculate and beautiful. I decided that I would speak to him. I stepped out of the room, and scanned the ever increasing crowd of people and I spotted him talking to a group of people, he handed them their drinks an then wandered back behind the bar. I looked to my left and found…

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  • RogerMom
    Posted 21 août, 2021 2:09 0Likes

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    It’s kind of like learning to ride a bike as you are riding the bike. There’s a time for learning and a time for doing. I think now is the time for doing. We can learn later.”“I hope that’s a promise. That you will help me learn later.”“That’s a promise. You want to learn about something I’m interested in. And I think I’ll benefit from teaching you about it. It’ll make me organize my thoughts enough to communicate to you about it.“I’m going to wash your hair.“For the scalp, gentle massaging and running the fingers through the hair or touching the scalp with the fingernails can…

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    Posted 21 août, 2021 3:52 0Likes

    and Mrs. Michaels moved in across the street.I was a curious kid, and watched from my bedroom window.There was a large moving truck with two big Samoans and a white man moving stuff out of it.The new neighbours had a lot of stuff.The coolest thing I saw coming out of the truck was a Star Wars desk.It was only kid sized, but what kid doesn’t love Star Wars?I was getting bored and was about to turn away when I saw her:there was a girl about my age running around on the yard.She had flaming red pigtails which were streaming behind her, and was wearing a grass green dress.I was captive to her…

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    Young children have young mothers, generally. Being a single parent I took every opportunity to visit all of the parks in our town. For a small out of the way community we had four places for our children to play. The elementary school had a very nice solid wooden play gym, the high school had a nice field to run around on, and the main Community Park had a bunch of slides and swings. Then there was the park with a swimming pool. They had a good size pool for the older children but they had a six-inch deep pool for the younger children. That’s where I liked to take my two-year-old daughter…

  • Sumper1789926
    Posted 21 août, 2021 5:58 0Likes

    It was several minutes before we were able to speak.“I need another shower…and it’s… all… your… fault.”I rose from the bed, bent over to pick her up, and carried her to the shower.We kissed and kissed as the hot water ran over our bodies.I dried her, then myself, and we went back to bed.I had to laugh when I saw it.It looked like a hurricane had passed through.We worked together to make it then we climbed in naked, savoring the touch of skin on skin. As we fell into a deep sleep, the TV droning on all night.CHAPTER 4A month later not much had changed in terms of our sex life—we were…

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    Posted 21 août, 2021 7:03 0Likes

    The way she walked around in the office was indeed funny and people got suspicious and asked her, she told that her ankle got twisted but later she told me her pussy and ass was sore from the battering she got from me the other day.It was almost a week that I didn’t fuck her, my cock was aching to be in her pussy and my lips aching to suck her pussy and boobs. It was Monday and our bosses were in head office , so I planned to use the situation to the full.On an excuse that I was looking for a book , I called her upstairs in our library which was situated in our MD’s room, which could be…

  • Haliburton9710586
    Posted 21 août, 2021 8:06 0Likes

    He wrote it recently. ~ JennyWell, it finally happened. For a while, I had suspected that my wife, Jenny, has been cheating. I confronted her recently with my suspicions, and she did not deny it, well, not really.Before I continue, let me give you a little background on us. Jenny is 55, and I am 57. We have been married 30+ years and have four children. I am solidly built with some extra pounds in my mid-section, 6’ 1” with brown hair and brown eyes. Jenny and I are both active on several porn and swinger sites, some together and some individually. She has numerous photos posted, but if…

  • RogerMom
    Posted 21 août, 2021 8:20 0Likes

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  • Hek1364694
    Posted 21 août, 2021 9:11 0Likes

    After I finish cleaning him up, my goddess walks to me, hooking her leash back up and having me stand, saying “What a good boy you are, and for the rest of the day I will clean all your pre cum.” As she bends and licks it off my cock, giving it a quick suck, I moan and she stops – saying “Oh your not going to cum again yet. Later my toy.My goddess said to me “You were so hot, my toy. I have a few surprises for you today. You have made me so hot and wet. First I am going to talk to the other goddesses, Then you and I are going to walk the trail.” She goes over and talks with the 5 other…

  • Perlustrate8920119
    Posted 21 août, 2021 10:15 0Likes

    On one side of our house was a single woman.She seemed middle aged and was relatively unattractive.Being married and basically more gay than bisexual, I did not pay much attention to women.I did notice that Jo, the neighbor, did have a fair amount of women coming by to visit.Many seemed to stay overnight.My suspicion was that she was a lesbian and was quite active sexually.I did notice a few men stopping by as well and most of them were good looking.They were in their mid 30’s to mid 40’s and all seemed to be in good shape.Noticing this, I decided it was time to get to know Jo a bit better.One…

  • Indium9111713
    Posted 21 août, 2021 11:20 0Likes

    Another silent moment crawls by. “I’m just…” Holden begins. “I’m just trying to figure this out. Like you said, it’s complicated.” But no. It isn’t complicated. Holden knows what he needs to say. If he says it, it’ll uncomplicated things. A simple concept. But no. He can’t say it. He can’t – A vivid image suddenly pops in Holden’s head. It’s so bright and pure, Holden thinks he’ll go blind. And it’s all just a memory. Someone dims the lights and he can make out the scenery. A beach. Vacant. A beach towel has been laid out, and it’s baking in the sun because no one is there to shade it…

  • Protoplast67710
    Posted 21 août, 2021 12:23 0Likes

    Gabe was so cute when he was asleep. Fletcher pulled the covers they were sharing further down to discover that the bed was still pretty sticky, and it smelled lovely.Fletcher looked at Gabe’s hot body, and put his arm to stroke his cheek. He moved his hand down his soft body, to end up by Gabe’s penis. Fletcher checked to see if Gabe was still sleeping, then he stroked his penis. He could feel his own penis gaining an erection, and he smiled. He tucked himself closer to Gabe as he saw Gabe was getting an erection. He put his penis next to Gabe’s and soon their boners were laying side by…

  • RobertTaf
    Posted 21 août, 2021 12:52 0Likes

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  • Vcf1Expugn193747
    Posted 21 août, 2021 1:27 0Likes

    Sandra seemed more used to it because she seemed to have far less trouble with them. Our arms were bound tightly behind our backs at the elbows and wrists and clamps with little bells were clipped on our nipples. Our collars were tightened very tight, making it harder to breathe and a leash was attached to the D-ring at the front. A dildo gag completed the outfit. As on command both slave girls lowered themselves on their knees at the same time after they finished their work. A second later my Master and Sandra’s hubby walked in and grabbed our leashes. My Master tugged hard at my leash,…

  • Dilatometer6971713
    Posted 21 août, 2021 2:31 0Likes

    mmmmm….” Sandi moaned her fifthorgasm of the evening.Light sparkled off the sweat that poured over hercreamy skin.Her bountiful breasts heaved in ecstasy as Monica ate out theblonde’s tasty pussy.The taste of strawberries was unmistakable.(Thatwas a great idea that Sandi had with the whip cream and ripe berries.) Hernew craving for tongue was insatiable; Monica ran her tongue over theprickly surface of Sandi’s shaved twat.To watch them it would bedifficult to tell that this was only Sandi’s first experience in the armsof another woman.She licked up the cum dripping from…

  • gt758874873
    Posted 21 août, 2021 3:35 0Likes

    I’ve been working at a marina in the town I lived in. I also worked at the gas station my grandma owned. My family and and some family friends were all at my grandma’s house. I just got my truck so I loved driving everywhere. We realized we were running out of beer and ice. The store was closed but they gave me a key to it so i could get the beer and ice. I drove up there in my truck blasting some music. I opened up and turned on the lights and went on getting what I needed. A girl walked in as I was about to turn off the lights. She was really pretty. About 5’6″, thin, blonde hair that was a…

  • Trilemma3712184
    Posted 21 août, 2021 4:39 0Likes

    Everytime I went into the text editor, text would disappear, then reappear. I spent hours trying to connect the dots or at least see the end of the story. Eventually I gave up and just said whatever. I’m guessing that this site is a drupal install and an older version.While still with my ex wife, I was chatting it up with other degenerative perverts on a mobile sex site. I’m pretty sure the site began with the best intentions, but over the years every chat site becomes a perv site. Anyway I was talking to another dude who seemed to have the same interests. When I showed him a picture he…

  • ZonePieta3444563
    Posted 21 août, 2021 5:44 0Likes

    Ame one of her fellow female instructors is just as fit and makes no secret that she is a lesbian.What Kay did not know is that Ame secretly crushed on her.Kay always saw herself as straight but did admit to herself that Ame is one sexy woman.Kay decided to jog to work that morning and decided to shower there just before work starts.She normally runs home or does her exercise in the afternoon but today she decided to do it in the morning because the afternoon she has an appointment.That morning went as planned until she entered the shower rooms…As Kay enters the shower area, she can hear…

  • Univoltine9678095
    Posted 21 août, 2021 6:49 0Likes

    She had volunteered for the service some time ago, and was looking forward to serving her country.The sign at the induction center read “new recruits this way”, so she followed it and ended up in a room with eight young males who were also waiting for instructions. After some small talk, they were quieted by a sergeant, who entered with some male nurses. “OK, fall in!” he barked, as everyone lined up.”First, the physical. Remove your shirt, shoes and pants and get ready for the examination” he ordered. “What room do you want me to go to?” asked Victoria. “You’re…

  • Bleckhard1321013
    Posted 21 août, 2021 7:53 0Likes

    He locked the door and put the closed sign out, he grabbed her hand and said, “let’s go out to the shop.” Bonnie followed him into the shop as he lead her over by her car. He turned around to face her, his back to the car, “ok now I want you to suck my dick.” Bonnie nodded and moved to her knees in front of him, “yes master.” She fumbled with his belt, finally she got it unbuckled and unsnapped his jeans.She tugged them down his fat legs, along with his briefs, exposing his skinny 6″ cock to her. Ethan looked down, over his fat gut, trying to see what she was doing as he felt her take his…

  • Skulldugger5460211
    Posted 21 août, 2021 8:56 0Likes

    I nodded. Back to square one. But she was still in the black and white top. “And so if someone gives you the evil eye, what then, you slink away and put on a bra? What is there to be ashamed of?” A waiter, not the waitress, approached with the food. “Dinner’s up.” She sat forward, lifted her tits and sat them on the table in front of her.I had to sit back to make sure the poor guy had room to put down both plates, one a little closer to me. He looked only briefly at me. “Do you need anything else right now?” Val looked up and said no. He left.“I think he liked the show,” I said…

  • ElectricEel1158383
    Posted 21 août, 2021 9:59 0Likes

    Her husband, James, had been gone for so long, she couldn’t stand not being able to experience life and explore as a person. James had worked for only a few years as a world-famous travelling photograph in an upscale art registry. However, she felt the neglect, she knew that James had loved her, but he travelled so much while she waited and waited, not knowing that her husband had the same things in mind. It wasn’t that she hated or disliked her husband, it was the complete opposite. She and James had met in college, senior year, they quickly fell in love after sharing so many common…

  • TravisCOL9515585
    Posted 21 août, 2021 11:02 0Likes

    He put his hand on her thigh. “They get paid more, for doing more.” His hand came up slowly to her hip. He rested it there. She didn’t respond negatively to his touch at all. “Yeah, that’s right,” he said, moving his hand up further until he slowly ran his finger over her hard nipple. “You would be great.”She smiled and then looked over at the Boss. “I don’t think so,” he said. “Not right now anyway.” He laughed and stood up.“Too bad,” the man said, still holding onto her tit. “You would make a shitload of money.”“Dinner?” the Boss asked the group.“Sure,” was the reply.Carole picked…

  • DennisGaups
    Posted 21 août, 2021 11:24 0Likes


  • Ian5Valvar7350183
    Posted 22 août, 2021 12:04 0Likes

    Holton,” she replied, “there is a young woman out here who claims to be your wife and is demanding to see you!!!” “My wife,” he exclaimed in surprise, “I’ll be right there, thank you, Alice!!!” He strode over to the door and upon opening it, sure enough, there standing next to Alice’s desk was Faye, his wife of three months!!! “Honey,” he said in a slightly strained voice, “what on earth are you doing here, I am absolutely swamped!?!” “I just had to see you,” she replied with a hint of desperation, “can we go into your office for a minute, please!?!” He was about to tell her he’d see her at…

  • Ailurophilia5369912
    Posted 22 août, 2021 1:06 0Likes

    As long as I kept my grades up, I was happy. Daisy would make me do things like join their sex games. Things would usally turn into an orgy, making Chris a very happy guy with three girls. He was rough with me but gental with Daisy and Kari.When normal sex, if you call that normal sex, would ge bored, Daisy always had a great idea. Shes tried things like blindfolding me or tieing me down. She would make me be naked for any sex game and now its starting to turn into everynight. She says to keep me in line she must spank me every night or whenever she feels the need. Afterward she tells me…

  • Charlesexics
    Posted 22 août, 2021 2:11 0Likes

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  • Libanomancy249316
    Posted 22 août, 2021 3:15 0Likes

    Suddenly Anna realises she’s remembering the events of that night. Trying to shake herself out of them Anna struggles for a second before giving up, knowing that she will have to relive them until the end.Watching as if through another’s eyes Anna sees herself walk across the foyer books into the hotel and goes to her room, later she comes back down and goes to the bar and takes a seat, she orders a drink and looks round picking out the solitary men, after a second Anna turns back and orders another drink flirting with the bartender. After half an hour she starts to feel herself becoming…

  • Prepossess2861778
    Posted 22 août, 2021 4:19 0Likes

    He looked down at the cute naked 13 year old sleeping next to him. Grinning he felt Ashley’s firm round buttocks pressing against his morning wood. He scrabbled around with his hand to find his cell phone and flipped it open. 7:14, he had time. Shifting his body down slightly Matt licked his fingers and inserted them between Ashley’s legs and into her cunt for lubrication. He then slipped his ready cock in place of his fingers, beginning the orgasmic grind. Despite the growing sensation in his lower area he noticed Ashley’s breathing getting faster. “Morning”“Morniaaaahhh” she replied as a…

  • Hedonist9169639
    Posted 22 août, 2021 5:23 0Likes

    I swiveled my bra around and it too landed on the floor. Nature took over and I instantly covered my large boobs and blonde bushy pussy; thinking that the young stud might be put off by seeing a 38 year old woman naked. “What are doing, you silly cow?” Lewis laughed as he roughly stroked his long rod; “Show me your tits.” I no longer had any pride to lose so waved my arms in a Salome fashion as he devoured my mature body with his eyes.“Fucking hell Courtney you are a beaut!” The young lad whistled his appreciation, “now come and suck my dick.” I sashayed the couple of feet…

  • AlvaroPes
    Posted 22 août, 2021 5:43 0Likes
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  • MorningDawning3400230
    Posted 26 août, 2021 7:29 0Likes

    This is a fairly regular occurrence but our stage show is pretty intense and I love the music so I’m still buzzing with adrenaline when I come off stage. Despite being covered in sweat, the massive audience reaction we receive combined with the fact that I’m a little drunk makes me more confident than usual, and I can’t help but approach two girls who caught my eye while I was on stage. One seems like the cliché of the girl who has just grown up, maintaining the small breasts and girlish looks of an adolescent, features which she consciously denies with short, black dress, high shoes and low…

  • Nanopro2960606
    Posted 26 août, 2021 1:02 0Likes

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  • Belizard8333698
    Posted 26 août, 2021 2:44 0Likes

    As I passed the time sipping vodka and orange juice the occasional guy had come over to ask me if I wanted a drink, or to tell me his name, but I politely declined their advances. I knew the type of man I wanted next to me tonight, knew that I would feel a sudden need for naughtiness and a pleasant warmth between my thighs when he appeared, if he appeared.Tonight wasn’t a night I wanted to get to know a guy, to chat about Kandinsky’s blue rider period, or discuss my favourite movies, maybe exchange numbers and arrange a date. Tonight I wanted a man who would put his hands on me and tell me…

  • Pilar5850725
    Posted 26 août, 2021 4:30 0Likes

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  • Bacterigerm925537
    Posted 26 août, 2021 6:16 0Likes

    I kept still and let her control how much of my length she was taking in on each stroke. However, it wasn’t long before I couldn’t control myself and started to fuck her face pushing my cock head all the way to the back of her throat. Because of our position she gagged slightly but neither of us missed our stroke and we continued for a few more thrusts. My wife let my cock slip out of her mouth and said smiling, “let’s get in to a more fitting position.” With that she lay on the coffee table, stretched her arms behind her while lifting her feet into the air and grabbed the heels of her shoes….—Part-1-08-26

  • Crazywar2760962
    Posted 26 août, 2021 8:03 0Likes

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  • Perruquier7355813
    Posted 26 août, 2021 9:49 0Likes

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  • Dyxxx369310
    Posted 26 août, 2021 11:35 0Likes

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  • ZetanChamp9106440
    Posted 27 août, 2021 1:19 0Likes

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  • Hyperalgia8019689
    Posted 27 août, 2021 3:05 0Likes

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  • BBGun6458825
    Posted 29 août, 2021 11:07 0Likes

    “He moved me up and down rhythmically. “I want you to suck me slowly, passionately moving up and down. I want it to be wet, but not too sloppy. Lot’s of tongue, and keep those lips wrapped tight. When I’m getting ready to cum, then you can speed up, but when I’m actually cumming, nice and slow so it oozes out onto your tongue, and my orgasm lasts longer.””You got all that down?” he grinned.”Yes Master.”He motioned to his cock. “Then blow me.”I didn’t need to be told twice, taking my sweet time moving all the way up and all the way down his seven inch hard cock. I was…

  • Marocain8964468
    Posted 30 août, 2021 12:57 0Likes

    I approached gingerly, moving myself between his spread legs, placing my hands on his thighs. “That’s it,” I heard him saying, encouraging me along, “Get in there.” The blanket admitted a little bit of light and I could see that I was facing his tree-trunk sized member which, implausibly, seemed even bigger up close. “Touch it,” I heard him saying, slightly muffled by the blanket. I took a deep breath. He’d put the porn back on and I could hear the loud exclamations of the pornstar as she enjoyed the man beneath her. I reached out tentatively and gasped as I wrapped my fingers…

  • Mausehoisa
    Posted 30 août, 2021 12:59 0Likes

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  • RWERWR2277160
    Posted 30 août, 2021 2:44 0Likes

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  • lovemak6605173
    Posted 30 août, 2021 4:30 0Likes

    She got up from her uncomfortable chair and stretched her feline body, her breasts strained against the fabric of her polyester blouse, she wiped a bead of sweat of her forehead despite the intense blizzard the air-conditioning was creating she always sweated profusely when she was nervous, and boy, was she nervous, a shiver ran through her curvy five foot ten frame and she placed her round big ass on the table.She had arranged to meet ghost, an old friend, the memories of their past encounters sent chills down her spine.Ghost had funded her education and had provided her with a steady…

  • M19Oblate9965517
    Posted 30 août, 2021 6:19 0Likes

    My husband is late again and I start to get upset. I cooked a special dinner for him and I was hoping we would be able to spend some time together while the kids were gone. An hour later he walks into the door. He says hello to me but I refuse to talk to him. I’m so angry at him for being late once again. I can tell he’s starting to get annoyed with my silence. He asks for a beer and a slam it down angrily on the table. All of a sudden he roughly grabs me and starts to spank me over his lap. ” I’m tired of your attitude. I’m going to teach you a lesson.” He then takes off my pants and panties…

  • anndromet
    Posted 30 août, 2021 9:03 0Likes

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    Согласно опросам, каждая пятая фирма уволила тех, кто отказался от прививок от коронавируса и при этом не имел на то медицинских причин. С одной стороны, руководство можно понять: они вынуждены под угрозой санкций перед региональными властями отчитываться о количестве привитых сотрудников и отказ от прививки воспринимают как нелояльность.

    Но это не значит, что можно на этом основании какого-то увольнять. По закону, если вы не привились, можно только отстранить от работы без оплаты, но рабочее место всё равно будет за вами. Фактически это отпуск за свой счёт. Если же начальство требует выбрать — прививка или работа, то тут переговоры нужно вести очень осторожно. Во-первых, на тему вакцинации с начальством лучше общаться не устно, а по электронной почте или в мессенджерах, и если указания были на словах, то об этом следует упоминать в переписке. Конечно, не стоит забывать делать скриншоты.

    Во-вторых, если дело дошло до отстранения (об этом работник уведомляется официальным приказом) или представители руководства требуют написать объяснительную, необходимо письменно указать, что вы временно воздерживаетесь от вакцинации и при этом не входите в число тех, кого обязали делать прививку актом региональных властей. Данный аргумент важен, так как, если вас заставляют вакцинироваться просто потому, что так хочет начальник, это незаконно.

    В-третьих, в случаях, когда не допускают на рабочее место, этот факт необходимо фиксировать. В любом случае приходить на работу нужно без опозданий и на камеру своего телефона снять, как вам не позволяют пройти на место исполнения служебных обязанностей. При этом во время записи надо назвать точные место, дату и время, когда происходит фиксируемое событие.

  • Serafim6516600
    Posted 30 août, 2021 10:29 0Likes

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  • Lemony8104176
    Posted 30 août, 2021 12:29 0Likes

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  • Shauntic
    Posted 30 août, 2021 2:12 0Likes

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    Posted 2 septembre, 2021 2:10 0Likes

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  • BrutalGenie7662583
    Posted 2 septembre, 2021 6:59 0Likes

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  • IIIakaJl3560760
    Posted 2 septembre, 2021 9:35 0Likes

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  • Jamcum
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  • Bulletheart9349469
    Posted 3 septembre, 2021 12:13 0Likes

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    Posted 3 septembre, 2021 2:50 0Likes

    The combined effort of both his hands was driving Jessie wild. Her moans became louder, her face becoming even more flushed and her legs were threatening to give way. The desire for more took control of her body and mind. She wanted him so badly, and her body was begging for the pleasure only Carl could give her. Sweating profusely, she managed to whisper audibly in between moans and heavy breathing. “Oh yeah! Oh god! Make me cum, baby! Oh! Make me cum hard!”Hearing this, Carl complied, spurred on by her need, her rush for freedom. His movements sped up, fingers delving and surfacing in…

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  • CukxKpzn
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  • Pelotka6861106
    Posted 3 septembre, 2021 8:08 0Likes

    She had worried that she had done something wrong, and she remembers how firmly I held her wrist. What happened next would set the tone for our entire relationship. I had slowly laid her back, gripped her other wrist, pressed her hands above her head and held them firmly as I kissed her hungrily. She had tugged at her wrists, the strength of my grips had made her gasp. She had never been restrained in any capacity before, and had been slightly embarrassed at how much she enjoyed me holding her hands above her head. She remembers how loud she moaned as she felt me put my knee between her…

  • Selenic4924684
    Posted 3 septembre, 2021 10:47 0Likes

    His back still hurt too much for him to lie down so he took her hand and led her to the smaller lounge, past the bed where his father was having sex with Rose and Megan.Sam followed and closed the door behind them.”What are you planning Josh?” Ashley asked in an innocent voice.”A bed is not an option yet for me and I remembered that there was a arm less chair here so ..” he let his voice drift.Sam started to undress as he had ordered and sat naked on her knees next to the chair Josh spoke about.”Tell me Josh” Ashley said in a very sexy voice “how do you want to go about it? Straight…

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  • MyrtleGirl7977554
    Posted 3 septembre, 2021 4:07 0Likes

    Peter was now positioned between her wide spread thighs, “Are you OK with this” he asked her. “Am I OK with this, just you bury that outsized living thing in me right up to the hilt this moment or I am going to explode”She gasped as she felt the hot end of him touch her inner thigh she reached down and steered his shaft until it was just touching her outer lips she then let go and told him to dive in and bury that huge cock in her, he did. He pressed the end of his cock against her outer lips and proceeded to push, his glans was just the thing for opening her labia and with the surface…

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    I want to tell her, she’s the best personal assistant I’ve had but that will have to wait until later when I can put two words together. Allowing Betsy plenty of time to arouse herself, I gently take her cheek in my hand looking deeply into her eyes as I lower my lips. Betsy, aroused, moans softly as my tongue darts forward, ” Please No. No. NO! I made a mistake John.” I sense reluctance as my arms reach behind the quivering Betsy and I draw her near as my tongue slips between her lips. As she is softly moaning my tongue explores the warm and inviting oral cavity. Her white blouse is soaked as…

  • anndromet
    Posted 4 septembre, 2021 12:34 0Likes

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    по ссылке:
    Согласно опросам, каждая пятая фирма уволила тех, кто отказался от прививок от коронавируса и при этом не имел на то медицинских причин. С одной стороны, руководство можно понять: они вынуждены под угрозой санкций перед региональными властями отчитываться о количестве привитых сотрудников и отказ от прививки воспринимают как нелояльность.

    Но это не значит, что можно на этом основании какого-то увольнять. По закону, если вы не привились, можно только отстранить от работы без оплаты, но рабочее место всё равно будет за вами. Фактически это отпуск за свой счёт. Если же начальство требует выбрать — прививка или работа, то тут переговоры нужно вести очень осторожно. Во-первых, на тему вакцинации с начальством лучше общаться не устно, а по электронной почте или в мессенджерах, и если указания были на словах, то об этом следует упоминать в переписке. Конечно, не стоит забывать делать скриншоты.

    Во-вторых, если дело дошло до отстранения (об этом работник уведомляется официальным приказом) или представители руководства требуют написать объяснительную, необходимо письменно указать, что вы временно воздерживаетесь от вакцинации и при этом не входите в число тех, кого обязали делать прививку актом региональных властей. Данный аргумент важен, так как, если вас заставляют вакцинироваться просто потому, что так хочет начальник, это незаконно.

    В-третьих, в случаях, когда не допускают на рабочее место, этот факт необходимо фиксировать. В любом случае приходить на работу нужно без опозданий и на камеру своего телефона снять, как вам не позволяют пройти на место исполнения служебных обязанностей. При этом во время записи надо назвать точные место, дату и время, когда происходит фиксируемое событие.

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    Posted 4 septembre, 2021 2:38 0Likes

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    Posted 5 septembre, 2021 12:51 0Likes


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    TOKYO — “Love Rollercoaster” was blaring from the speakers at Shiokaze Park, but for American beach volleyball players Kelly Claes and Sarah Sponcil, it was another ride on the rollercoaster of weirdness as they took on a tough Brazilian team on a stiflingly hot Saturday morning.

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  • Charlesglasy
    Posted 8 septembre, 2021 6:37 0Likes

    “I haven’t seen you in these parts,” the barkeep said, sidling over to where I sat. “Name’s Bao.” He stated it exuberantly, as if say of his exploits were shared by means of settlers around many a firing in Aeternum.

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    Posted 8 septembre, 2021 8:26 0Likes

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  • Charlesglasy
    Posted 9 septembre, 2021 7:12 0Likes

    “I haven’t seen you in these parts,” the barkeep said, sidling over to where I sat. “Name’s Bao.” He stated it exuberantly, as if low-down of his exploits were shared aside settlers hither assorted a fire in Aeternum.

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  • Charlesglasy
    Posted 10 septembre, 2021 9:50 0Likes

    “I haven’t seen you in these parts,” the barkeep said, sidling over and above to where I sat. “Repute’s Bao.” He stated it exuberantly, as if solemn word of honour of his exploits were shared by way of settlers around multitudinous a fire in Aeternum.

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    Posted 10 septembre, 2021 11:19 0Likes


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  • Charlesglasy
    Posted 11 septembre, 2021 6:00 0Likes

    “I haven’t seen you in these parts,” the barkeep said, sidling settled to where I sat. “Repute’s Bao.” He stated it exuberantly, as if low-down of his exploits were shared by means of settlers about multifarious a verve in Aeternum.

    He waved to a unimpassioned tun upset us, and I returned his gesture with a nod. He filled a eyeglasses and slid it to me across the stained red wood of the bar in the vanguard continuing.

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  • Arxeolog9669971
    Posted 11 septembre, 2021 11:21 0Likes

    He lay on top of her and used his hand to guide himself between her pink lips. Tegan felt his tip probing around for a second until it found her opening and moaned as it slid inside. She was still on edge from her earlier impromptu session with Trevor and her muscles gripped eagerly at the new visitor as he sank inside her warmth. She arched her back and lifted her hips to meet him as their groins met, biting her lip with an impish grin as Brandon loomed over her, supporting himself on his arms and taking a moment to adjust to the feeling. When he was ready he returned the smile then began to…

  • Shamblecorpse4046671
    Posted 11 septembre, 2021 2:00 0Likes

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    Posted 11 septembre, 2021 6:57 0Likes

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  • FlowerPower7658125
    Posted 12 septembre, 2021 12:17 0Likes

    Her absence is felt.We had a rather silent dinner, the absence of dear Louisa weighing upon us, and we missed the liveliness and wit for which she was distinguished. After coffee we sat down to a quiet game of whist, previous to which Fred had seized the opportunity of our going together to the terrace to tell me that his father had whispered to Sophie that he should sleep with her that night, as Mamma wished to give up the whole night to her page. Papa had also desired Sophie to request Fred to join them.This, of course, at once excited a desire on my part to join dear Mamma. So during…—letters-16-09-11

  • Spicigerous1916286
    Posted 12 septembre, 2021 2:58 0Likes

    Sean was sitting there completely naked. His chest and biceps quivering as he stroked his cock. What a sight he made. She remembered changing this man’s diapers when he was a baby. She still could remember that night when his aunt and her had made love on the living room floor and when his aunt had her orgasm and bent her head back seen Sean sitting on the steps… Well, now the roles were reversed. Sarah and his Aunt never made love while he was there; they always went elsewhere for their trysts.Sarah watched as Sean was really working his cock. The girls on the TV were getting ready to fake…

  • CLOKE07
    Posted 12 septembre, 2021 3:40 0Likes

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  • Uxorial2491020
    Posted 12 septembre, 2021 8:26 0Likes

    Naturally, the action on the screen is pretty intense, even IF male oriented, and we both put ourselves into scenes that we are watching together. This began to lead me into even more naughty fantasies that I would whisper into her ear while we played.Our favorite video subject is of two guys or maybe even three touching, fondling and pleasuring a willing girl.It was a little scary at first talking about my fantasies because I didn’t want to put her off listening to her husband’s dirty mind and fantasies.I eventually began to subtly ‘suggest’ another partner in a sexual encounter. At…

  • Charlesglasy
    Posted 12 septembre, 2021 9:53 0Likes

    “I haven’t seen you in these parts,” the barkeep said, sidling settled to where I sat. “Repute’s Bao.” He stated it exuberantly, as if word of his exploits were shared aside settlers about multitudinous a firing in Aeternum.

    He waved to a unimpassioned tun hard by us, and I returned his indication with a nod. He filled a field-glasses and slid it to me across the stained red wood of the bench first continuing.

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  • Amours8263159
    Posted 12 septembre, 2021 11:08 0Likes

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  • FUGATT97
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  • Riley
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  • Blacklight2831874
    Posted 13 septembre, 2021 1:32 0Likes

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  • Yogibogeybox1720323
    Posted 13 septembre, 2021 10:12 0Likes

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  • Absconcier1275861
    Posted 14 septembre, 2021 12:15 0Likes

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  • Firepoint2644804
    Posted 14 septembre, 2021 4:14 0Likes

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  • Snipp4708597
    Posted 14 septembre, 2021 6:15 0Likes

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  • HaelSturm3293807
    Posted 14 septembre, 2021 8:17 0Likes

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  • Belting5255991
    Posted 14 septembre, 2021 2:30 0Likes

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  • Underfire3527639
    Posted 14 septembre, 2021 6:36 0Likes

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  • RingRaid9663075
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  • Monticle4418920
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  • Bridgett
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  • lumbricine1159881
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  • Jackobept
    Posted 19 septembre, 2021 9:45 0Likes
  • Kiaobept
    Posted 19 septembre, 2021 10:08 0Likes
  • LorenzoArrop
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  • testrobot1790858
    Posted 19 septembre, 2021 11:22 0Likes

    “Perhaps fifteen minutes later the pair saw Malcolm walk in with a several of his friends. This was something Carol hadn’t expected, but admitted that she was certainly excited to see him. She didn’t know any of the other men though, and neither did Susan. They knew, however, that none of them were from the hospital staff.The four men came over and joined the women at the table and sat down. Malcolm introduced Antwan, Duane, and D’shawn. He explained that they were all members of his basketball team in the city’s adult recreation league. Providing introductions, Malcolm explained that…

  • triticeous4176036
    Posted 19 septembre, 2021 1:26 0Likes

    It was always a wonderful feeling for him to make Jennifer the center of his world. He placed his hands under her smooth knees, in back of her thighs and lifted her legs so they were almost hanging in space. This movement brought her beautiful vagina into view, and only a few inches lower was her little butt hole, which was winking at him invitingly.He first licked slowly from her winking little hole, up to her tight vagina sucking all the way. Then with the daring of an Acapulco cliff diver he dove into her pussy hole, tongue first. Due to the God’s lack of understanding, and…

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  • Maryobept
    Posted 19 septembre, 2021 2:16 0Likes
  • lusterbunny8577042
    Posted 19 septembre, 2021 3:29 0Likes

    He presses a cloth strip into the wax to set and globs more wax into the hairy mess all around her pussy, taint and asshole. Emma moans from the heat of the wax touching her sensitive pussy. This feels nice she thinks just as he grasps the first cloth strip and rips it from above her pussy. The hair is pulled by its roots from her skin in a loud ripping sound. Emma gasps and screams at the top of her lungs in pain. She starts crying knowing there are more strips to pull. He repeats the process with the upper left and right strips leaving her pussy top smooth as a baby’s ass but red. Next is…

  • Samobept
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    Posted 19 septembre, 2021 6:53 0Likes

    We hugged each other tightly and were taking some rest before starting another fucking game between us.My hand swept across her young boobs, touching so lightly the rounded swell of her boobs. I felt the soft tender skin just above the plunging neckline, my hands sweeping over them, stroking, caressing the supple beauty only a few millimeters from me now, was she. Her face continued to blush, to grow like a ravaging heat, flames of passion that consumed every inch of her delectable body. God! I wanted to taste her again, to feel her face press against mine, lips to lips, tongues dancing,…

  • Carlobept
    Posted 19 septembre, 2021 7:15 0Likes
  • BrandonEleks
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  • cloude28231639
    Posted 19 septembre, 2021 8:57 0Likes

    For the most part over the next couple of months they talked back and forth about normal life. Nothing sexual whatsoever. John was happy that he had connected with an old friend and enjoy reminiscing about the old days, and good times and troubles he and his friends got into. That was until one night when he woke up to use the bath room. He saw a message from Colleen which wasn’t anything unusual, that was until he read it. “I bet if you fucked me in school our lives would be so different right now” and of course she sent a picture of herself naked sitting on the floor with a bottle of wine…

  • mountbatten5418448
    Posted 19 septembre, 2021 11:01 0Likes

    It really accentuated her breasts and they would have a sexy little wiggle with each step she took. She kissed me goodbye and headed out to meet Jim. I spent the next few hours in anticipation of her return.She came home later on in the day and I could tell that she had fun. She said that Jim had taken her around to his fire station in West Chester and given her a tour of the place. She said that there were several other firefighters there when they got there and Jim wasted no time in showing her off to his buddies. They all were very nice to her and according to her, all were very sexy…

  • jollyjoist5811009
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 1:05 0Likes

    when i came back and pulled the sheet back, she was lying on her side with her legs gaped open……and i saw the thick furry lips hanging between her thin thighs. it wasn’t the first time i’d seen her sex, but this was more than i could take on that day. she’d seemingly teased me all evening long, walking to the shower after stripping in front of me. sitting and watching the tv in the motel with her robe open enough that i could see all of her tits and the thick mound of her pussy. it may have been the beer….well i know it was the beer that made me get up to whizz, but it all…

  • Markobept
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 1:34 0Likes
  • willhunting3520713
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 3:09 0Likes

    He was pretty much the king of our high school. You know, loved by all and has all the talent and is going places. Girls love, and guys want to be part of the party while it lasts. And here I am sitting on the bench, the coach usually puts me in for fakes or to give Malcolm a break. This game, he was on fire so I was riding the pine.I was drinking some water and just felt a wind hit be from behind, just urging me to look behind. So I turned around, and there she was. A tall, long red haired, dark eyes goddess of a woman. She looked like she was in college, which made me wonder why she was…

  • Joeobept
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 4:18 0Likes
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    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 5:13 0Likes

    “Shut your fucking hole, slut,” he snapped at her, continuing with his rhythmical, painful thrusts.Regret bubbled in Su’s chest, currently covered by a transparent lace bra, at least for now. The man was a friend of her first attempted captor, and much more successful. The first’s attempt gave Su a small feeling of happiness, recalling the loud wail of pain when she sank her teeth into the soft end of his long, thick dick, fingers digging into his balls.It was much more satisfactory than the current situation she was in, and diverted her attention for a small bit of time:She had been…

  • recklessa3425578
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 7:17 0Likes

    i had no one to proof-read it, so i did it myself (it’s a really tiring job), and i know a few errors might have gone unnoticed. I’ve tried to use good English, but then again, some errors might be there. Don’t be a grammar nazi. Bear with me. Most of you will find the first part irrelevant, which is true. It is just an insight into the life of Joseph Nelson. This part is the foundation stone for the rest of the story, which is why it’s important. The next parts’, i hope, will be interesting. The story has been told from Joseph’s perspective. Lastly, do vote and comment what you think. Don’t…

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  • algem4007387
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 9:22 0Likes

    God I was cute. There was no use denying it.The device came the next day and Mom gave it to me without comment. I took it up to my new room and tried it on. It was very uncomfortable. I decided I couldn’t wear it even to the beauty shop. I put it up on my closet shelf where I could see it from the bed and it, honestly, triggered an erection every time I noticed it for a while. I took the instructions that came with it to the bed and read them. There were all sorts of information about hygiene and adjusting it, which looked a little more promising. But, all in all, it looked pretty…

  • Amyobept
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 10:40 0Likes
  • rhenus3693306
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 11:27 0Likes

    She is really cute. So thin, so blonde. With her athletic body and two little tits, always going around the house wearing just a thong. I am a 36 years old woman, and first days I didn’t like this 22 years old waitress, but I need to share my flat bills! She moved here a week ago and this morning she is so happy cause it’s Sunday and she doesn’t work. However, she woke up early as always. I guess she likes I keep on watching her cause it seems she bend on purpose too often, pretending doing something around the house and showing me her cute tonic bottom with the pink string sank inside! I…

  • Janeobept
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 12:48 0Likes
  • caesarj4667989
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 1:32 0Likes

    My girlfriend apologized for her itchy vagina being treated for a yeast infection, by doing her best to satisfy me with a few blowjobs every now and then. A few nights ago she danced around in a sexy night gown to really turn me on, played some tonsil hockey with me, then had me jerk off on her tits. All that was great, even if she did wipe it all away right afterwards, but it just couldn’t wait to get my cock back in her pussy where it belonged. Then yesterday we had some fun by joining me in the shower, and was really sexy with the water going down her hair as she bobbed on my man-meat…

  • Kimobept
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 1:37 0Likes
  • Annaobept
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 3:00 0Likes
  • Nickobept
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 3:01 0Likes
  • lilusin2889529
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 3:38 0Likes

    She pushed back and my cock slid inside her pussy and as I stood still for a minute, I motioned slightly with my head to the camera just down the trail from us. The parks were monitored but we were far enough away that no facial recognition would be able to identify us. Aikira turned her head and said fuck me baby, fuck me hard. It wasn’t fully out of her mouth when I began plowing in and out of her. It was like we were one mind, blistering hot public sex in front of a camera. Aikira screamed Fuck and I felt her juices run down her legs. I slammed my cock as hard as I could in and out of her…

  • slithertuft7727200
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 5:44 0Likes

    I mouthed, “Thank you.”For two days, my mom and I stayed with my dad. Chris remained by my side—in a real chair he’d somehow convinced the nurse to relinquish as we’d been told they were precious items with only two to a room—when he wasn’t getting us food or coffee or something to read. I grew accustomed to using his shoulder and chest as a pillow. It didn’t hurt that he smelled really nice, or that he lightly caressed my arm or back, helping me drift off.Every time I started to question his presence…his desire to help out a stranger—which I still considered him to be—he’d gently shush…

  • Kiaobept
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 6:04 0Likes
  • halinour1563822
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 7:50 0Likes

    You’ve been sat in moping too long since your marriage break up. Look, there’s a band on down the road, let’s go and have a few drinks and take your mind off things”Paul was a good friend Paul and always looking out for me. He was right, I had been feeling sad and lonely for too long but I was 45 years old and had been married since I was 22. It felt like there was nothing to go out for. I had no chance of meeting someone else at my age.”OK, just for a couple of hours then” I said.We went down to the local pub and were having a few drinks and catching up. Then the band came on and…

  • krakenbite5394089
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 9:54 0Likes

    I spread my legs and put one foot on top of the bar that went across the front of the desk. It was at least a good foot above the floor so my legs were spread pretty wide. I didn’t care. All I cared about was getting nailed hard to find relief for my aching, throbbing, wet pussy.. I moved my thong to the side of my pussy and begin stroking my clit with my finger. I flicked it back and forth and circled it with the tip of my finger, making my body tremble with the need to cum. I pinched and pulled at it. My pussy was really wet, I felt my juices seeping out again. I stuck my finger inside my…

  • potpourri5242650
    Posted 20 septembre, 2021 11:59 0Likes

    I’m Korean but I was adopted by a wonderful white family when I was two. I never knew my parents. From what i’ve been told, they died in a car accident when we first came to America. I wouldn’t have it any other way, they’re the only family I know and I love them. I look like your typical asian kid, I’ve been told I’m very good looking. I have very feminine features when itcomes to body type and other physical features. The most noticable to me is probably my girly butt. I’ve caught a lot of men staring at my ass ever since I was twelve. Being only 5’6″, I wouldn’t think I would…

  • Jimobept
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  • neotectonics8701871
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 3:47 0Likes

    It all started on a Thursday night bowling league. I met Amber and Jen while we were starting a new season.We hit if off right away. We began to bowl and Amber and Jen were on the opposing team. We would high five one another in a friendly gesture of sportsmanship.As the weeks went by, the three of us would greet with a quick hug while passing by. During mid season, we hugged a little more and a little tighter. By the end of the year they would both rub those perfect tits in my chest and kiss me on the cheek. I would get an instant hard on.The two girls did not bowl the summer…

  • dzpdolent2529420
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 5:52 0Likes

    too me its all started one day while i thought my wife was at work .i found myself at my wifes underwear drawer looking for a few good pairs . I settled on the bed naked and i started to wrap the panties around my cock. you see i don’t know why but i get off on wonens underwear. so i have about four pairs wrapped around my pulsing member when i hear my wife whisper in my ear ” cumpanty boy cum in my lacy panties , shoot that cum sweetie all over my panties.” i was shocked as you can imagine and i franticly opened my eyes searching for my wife and i saw 3 other women…

  • MarkBof
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 7:02 0Likes
  • euphi3455838
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 7:55 0Likes

    Since meeting you I have used your body as my toy, the ability to do with it as I wish has brought a whole new light to my life. To know your devotion as I take you beyond your limits proves to me your insatiable appetite to gratify my needs. Laying contently at my feet I gaze upon your elegance. Your cock still firm and glistening from the indulgence you showed to my demanding pussy.Even now I can vividly remember the first night I made you mine. The deserted beach our playground, a full moon hung in the sky, warm mist from the sea drifted through the air. A mystical concerto was…

  • Evaobept
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 8:23 0Likes
  • stay6980869
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 9:53 0Likes

    Her flawless skin felt smooth and silky to his touch, though considerably hotter.He slipped his hand under the night dress and gently caressed her ass. As their lips and tongues continued their onslaught, his hands were running up and down her smooth back and her sensuous ass cheeks. He gently squeezed her ass with his hands and Vaishali responded by kissing him even more aggressively. Vimal trailed his fingers further down her ass crack and found her very wet panty-covered pussy and gently ran his finger over it. Enjoying the wetness on his finger, he rubbed her pussy and pressed on her…

  • minit346052
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 11:56 0Likes

    He had left me tied upright along a public highway, to a high standing tree. With a bag of toys in hand, he moved behind me. Very quickly I could feel him roughly tying a blindfold across my eyes. My world became focused on three things; my aching sex, the darkness, and pleasing my master.I could hear master circling in front of me. He traced his finger around my stomach, and suddenly he pulled off my nipple clamps, one at a time. My gag stopped me from screaming. To add to my humiliation I could hear a car loudly honking its horn as it drove nearer; then the car stopped, and the engine…

  • Lisaobept
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 12:17 0Likes
  • Jackobept
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 1:30 0Likes
  • ffdyr4880784
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 2:01 0Likes

    Jane’s Flat, She was standing there waiting for me with her mobile in her hand. It took me about an hour to cover that small distance.I pleaded with another excuse that my parents are here and I have told them that I have met you and they have sent me to invite you personally to visit them for meeting them tomorrow morning. Ms. Jane scolded me for being a voyeur. I again pleaded that I went there to check if you were still awake or have retired. I never wanted to disturb them in case you have retired for the day.I fell on my knees and said ‘Ms. Jane, I love Ms. Lucy very much and will do…

  • liffix4914224
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 5:45 0Likes

    She gasped as hepulled his cock all the way out of her, and immediately feltits loss. He spun her around roughly, setting her on allfours, then, without mercy, stuck his cock back into hersteamy hole. She came instantly. Cum was running down her thighs like hot, melted butter.Her body was clammy with sweat. She was definitely making upfor all those lost years. Eyes slited, face contorted, she tried to call Hubert.Her mouth gaped as she tried to talk, to scream, but nothingcame out. “I’m right here, my dear.” her Guardian Angel said, hisface inches away from…

  • Joeobept
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 7:34 0Likes
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  • nolaghere828971
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 7:51 0Likes

    At the beach, if you drove to the end of the rode and walked about a quarter of a mile through the dunes, it was an unofficial nude beach. No one bothered you out there and the park rangers didn’t say anything if there were no complaints and there usually never was. We got a case of beer and gave Bob and Marcia a call to see if they wanted to go with us.Marcia said they were tied up for a bit but would meet us out there. Bob knew the nude beach was out there, but Marcia didn’t and Bob wasn’t going to tell her.When they arrive at the beach, Laney and I had already set up our spot and…

  • maznapaea2162957
    Posted 21 septembre, 2021 9:56 0Likes

    ……. I couldn’t help think of the man I loved before I married William. I was going to fix him and get married. I sure fixed him I married into Holy Hell. I wonder where he is and if he ever thinks of me? Probably not, but that’s life. Right now, it’s Saturday and I have to deal with this man I married. How could I ever marry someone in June when I had just met him in February? It was wonderful at first, but it always is. I had no intention of marrying him. I’d laugh when he’d say, “I’m going to marry her and turn her into a Georgia peach.” The last laugh is on me and I feel more like…

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  • strappado3879962
    Posted 22 septembre, 2021 12:00 0Likes

    She knew there wouldn’t be guests for another week or so which meant the Inn’s world class chef wasn’t on duty either. She slunk downstairs in only a t-shirt and thong to see an incredible spread laid out in the dining room. Her Inn served meals ‘communal style’ which meant meals were at a certain time only and all the guests sat together during meals. It was a great way for guests to have an opportunity to meet someone they might not have met. There was a note from Tony, the owner:”Jenny hun, I had an inkling you and your sexy friends must be famished! I saw how clean the hot tub area was,…

  • baculiform4320068
    Posted 22 septembre, 2021 2:03 0Likes

    She seemed to like watching it swing.When I reached her, she grasped my dick and aimed it towards her slit. I felt her sliding it along her wet pussy. She cooed as the tip passed over her clit, and then moved it lower to enter her. Her hands slid along my sides as I entered her. I sank fully into her because she was so wet. When I was fully inside I dropped softly onto her. It was then that I fully realized we were doing this alone, without Rachel there. It was like cheating on my wife, even though she had given her permission. I actually thought about Rachel lying alone on the beach as I…

  • Annaobept
    Posted 22 septembre, 2021 3:17 0Likes
  • Samobept
    Posted 22 septembre, 2021 3:32 0Likes
  • shakeawake542022
    Posted 22 septembre, 2021 4:07 0Likes

    Jason went to the head end and trust his large black cock into their faces. “Here bitches, suck my cock!” Richard and Ella stuck out their tongues and began licking at the cock in their faces. Richard felt the unmistakable feel of the head of a giant cock against the entrance of his arse. He realised immediately that even while he was fucking he was still going to get fucked. Billy’s cock soon drilled deep into his arse forcing his own cock deeper into Ella’s cunt. Jason began fucking first Ella’s then Richard’s mouth, thrusting deep into their throats causing them to gag and wheeze. As…

  • Paulobept
    Posted 22 septembre, 2021 4:38 0Likes
  • Miaobept
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  • Frankshoon
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  • metastrophe5398019
    Posted 22 septembre, 2021 6:12 0Likes

    I stuck my little dick through the hole and was rewarded by a wet mouth sucking at my dick and licking my hairless balls. I had shaved the first few hairs off – later I let the hair get waxed away. The feeling was great but it ended too soon. I pulled my dick back and now there was a big dick shoved through that hole. I knew what it was meant for, so I got down on my knees , touched it first with my hands, pulled back the foreskin and licked the tip kind of shy at first. Hmmmm, the taste was great! I got bolder then and took the head in my mouth. Hmmm, that was really something! Sucking my…

  • Maryobept
    Posted 22 septembre, 2021 7:31 0Likes
  • toadstone1763942
    Posted 22 septembre, 2021 8:17 0Likes

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